
to the Trinity
Equipping men and women who honor God by possessing an intimate relationship with His Son through the enabling of the Holy Spirit.

to the Text
Training men and women to produce trustworthy translations of God’s Word from the Biblical-language texts.

to the Target Culture
Sending out gospel-centric men and women prepared to partner with first-language speakers to produce faithful translations.
Learn more about FirstBible.
What People Are Saying about FirstBible.

Dr. Charles Keen
If we are to evangelize the lost and plant churches, these unreached peoples must have Scripture in their mother tongue. It is with joy that I wholeheartedly and without reservation recommend FirstBible School of Translation!

Dr. Bill Patterson
For too long, there have been few opportunities for Bible-believing Christians to learn how to properly translate God’s Word. FirstBible School of Translation seeks to meet that need. What an honor it is to join them in training Bible translators!

Dr. Ken Fielder
The training at FirstBible School of Translation is thorough, academic and spiritual with a careful recognition of the sacredness of the task and a conservative view toward the proper translation of the Word of God.
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