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New Testament (NT)


NT501 Basic Greek Fundamentals 1

3 credit hours
This introductory course will lead the student into beginning knowledge of New Testament Greek vocabulary, basic morphology and grammar, and common syntactical systems. By the conclusion of this course, the student will be able to translate four chapters from the first letter of John, in addition to many other portions of Scripture. Students will also learn how to utilize valuable Greek resources in preparation for deeper personal study.

NT502 Basic Greek Fundamentals 2

3 credit hours
Prerequisite(s): NT501

NT601 Advanced Greek Fundamentals 1

3 credit hours
This course will build upon and reinforce principles acquired in Biblical Greek Grammar while expanding upon the student’s foundational vocabulary. Students will also be introduced to the NT Greek syntactical systems. During this course, students will also regularly translate larger portions of Scripture.
Prerequisite(s): NT502

NT602 Advanced Greek Fundamentals 2

3 credit hours
Students in this course will continue to expand their NT Greek vocabulary. At the same time, students will also penetrate deeper into NT Greek syntactical systems. During this course, students will also regularly translate larger portions of Scripture.
Prerequisite(s): NT601

NT701 Functional Greek 1

3 credit hours
This comprehensive course will lead the student in developing an exegetical methodology for profiting from his or her understanding of vocabulary, morphology, and syntax. Students will practice exegetical skills on an eclectic selection of Scripture, including narrative, epistolary, apocalyptic, and others. This class will show the student how to study the Word of God using the Biblical Greek language.
Prerequisite(s): NT602

NT702 Functional Greek 2

3 credit hours
Students will study select portions of the New Testament to improve the student’s ability to read Greek. This course will emphasize morphology, vocabulary and syntactical recognition. Students will also gain reading and translation speed focusing on the nuances of verbs and verbals and identifying and describing clausal relationships in light of discourse analysis.
Prerequisite(s): NT701