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Course Descriptions

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BT501 Introduction to Bible Translation

3 credit hours

This course will seek to provide students with a general introduction to Bible translation and translation philosophy. Students will forge a Bible-oriented philosophy of Bible translation; they will learn to place all Bible translation work within a framework of a sound Bibliology; they will consider implications of correctly translating significant theological concepts into other languages and cultures; and they will learn to apply an essentially literal philosophy of Bible translation. In addition, students will be introduced to challenges facing translators of non-Indo-European languages, and they will be introduced to the concept of local church responsibility in the translating, printing, and distribution of God’s Word.

BT502 Principles of Bible Translation

3 credit hours
Students will be introduced to a brief history of Bible translation, to common translation theories, and to advanced principles for transferring meaning in intercultural situations. Students will also seek to implement sound principles of Bible translation in practical ways: students will practice translating Scripture into another language; they will practice evaluating a translation for accuracy and readability within a target-language context; and they will practice using modern resources and software solutions related to the needs of Bible translators.
Prerequisite(s): BT501, OT501

BT601 Translation Oversight and Technology

3 credit hours
This course will equip students to understand, explore, and practice essential translation consultant skills including building, training, and leading a translation team; planning and forecasting for a translation project; maintaining quality and consistency throughout a translation project; checking Bible translations for theological precision; testing a translation for readability in the receptor language; and performing a back translation to insure a proper translation has been executed by the translation team. This course will seek to lay a foundation for utilizing software solutions to enhance Bible translation and translation project management. Students will be introduced to Bible translation software, word processing techniques, and elementary orthography for specialized languages. In addition, students will be equipped to train majority world people in using computers and computer-based solutions relative to the needs of translators.
Prerequisite(s): BT502

BT602 Problems in Bible Translation

3 credit hours
Students will be introduced to common translation problems related to idiom and metaphor, meaning, multiple senses and functions, prepositional ambiguity, and more. Moreover, this course will guide students into developing potential solutions for these problems. Finally, students will learn how to make translation decisions, even under difficult situations. This course will lead students to apply the principles gleaned in Principles of Bible Translation to the problems of real-world translation situations.
Prerequisite(s): BT502

BT701 Issues in New Testament Translation

3 credit hours
Students will become acquainted with issues and difficulties related to the transmission and translation of the New Testament; these issues will include textual issues, synoptic issues, and issues related to Old Testament quotations and allusions. Students will also demonstrate their ability to comprehensively apply insights gained from study in linguistics and Biblical languages in their approach to New Testament translation.
Prerequisite(s): BT602, NT601

BT702 Issues in Old Testament Translation

3 credit hours
This course will introduce students to specific issues and difficulties related to the translation of the Old Testament. Classroom topics will cover items such as Hebrew idioms and poetic expressions, hapax legomena, qere-kethiv, variations of fauna and animal life, and linguistic variations among genres found in the Old Testament, among other topics.
Prerequisite(s): BT502, OT601

BT703 Translation Field Methods Practicum

1 credit hours
This on-site internship will allow potential Bible translators the opportunity to observe an ongoing Bible translation project. This course is designed to help students acquire first-hand experience and receive a telescopic view of Bible translation.
Prerequisite(s): final year & administrative approval

IC501 Historical and Cultural Backgrounds of the Bible

3 credit hours

This course is designed to introduce students to cultural aspects of Ancient Near Eastern and particularly Israelite life in the Old Testament period and of Jewish, Greek, and Roman life in the New Testament period; to acquaint students to the primary and secondary literature relevant to those cultures; and to provide students with the framework necessary for understanding the cultural and historical elements related to understanding Scripture.

IC502 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

3 credit hours
This course will introduce students to the discipline of anthropology from a Christian perspective helping them to more easily adapt to a variety of cultures. Students will investigate the influence that language, class, gender, social organization and authority, family relationships, education, and ideologies can have upon a culture. Students will also be able to identify how a Biblical worldview impacts the study of peoples and cultures around the world.

IC503 Spiritual Warfare and Martyrdom

3 credit hours
Students will engage concepts of world evangelism related to the Biblical concepts of spiritual warfare (angelology, prayer, and holy living), Christian suffering, and potential martyrdom. They will explore the impact persecution has played throughout church history and is playing today in many parts of the world.

IC602 Cultural Adaption and Team Building

3 credit hours
Cultural adaption for translators will focus on the needs of potential, full-time, cross-cultural missionaries and Bible translators. The course will help students understand how to prepare for intercultural stress, the difficulties involved with raising a family overseas, and the difficulty related to a personal walk with God when little accountability is present. Students will discover tools for coping with the difficulty of cultural adaption both when moving to a cross-cultural situation and when returning to the original culture.
Prerequisite(s): IC502

LI501 Introduction to Language Studies

3 credit hours
Introduction to Linguistics is a foundational seminar designed to provide students with a general introduction to the study of languages and special areas of interest within linguistics including the structural, historical, psychological, and social aspects of language. Students will also be introduced to basic linguistics terminology found in academic literature.

LI502 Introduction to Linguistic Analysis

3 credit hours
Building on the introductory concepts covered in LI501, this course introduces the student to linguistic analysis of each sub-discipline critical to language description, including phonetic, phonological, morphological, syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic analysis. Students will analyze a small selection of authentic language datasets using tools and analytical approaches taught in class.
Prerequisite(s): LI501

LI602 Phonological Analysis

3 credit hours
In Phonological Analysis, students will learn how to analyze systematic sound patterns and processes within a language. Students will learn to identify phonetic distributions with a special focus on natural systems of phonology, including both articulatory and structural issues. Additionally, students will be introduced to basic concepts of suprasegmental properties, including stress, tone, pitch, and intonation.
Prerequisite(s): LI501, LI502

LI604 Sociolinguistics & Intercultural Communication

3 credit hours
Sociolinguistics & Intercultural Communication will give students an overview of how language relates to the society in which it was produced. The student will be able to articulate why certain languages are chosen as national or educational standards within a given society; to understand concepts and psychological factors at play in multi-lingual societies; to discern attitudes language speakers have toward time, social class, networks, and gender; and to discern attitudes toward particular languages by segments of world societies. Finally, students will prepare for ministry in cross-cultural settings by being introduced to practical communication insights in areas such as relationships, evangelism, discipleship, church planting, teaching, and conflict.

LI701 Grammar & Structure 1

3 credit hours
Students will be introduced to the study of language structure, encompassing the analysis of both the morphological and syntactic systems within a language. Student’s will be exposed to a variety of language typologies while investigating both word- and sentence-structure while obtaining an overview of constituency and grammatical relationships. This class will specifically cover Noun Phrases and related concepts such as noun classes, cases, and agreement types. Sub-constituencies such as Adjective Phrases and Determiners will also be covered in their relation to Noun Phrases.
Prerequisite(s): LI602

LI702 Grammar & Structure 2

3 credit hours
LI702 is a continuation of what will be covered in LI701: using methodology introduced in LI701, students will be exposed to concepts associated with and beyond the Verb Phrase, including Tense, Aspect, and Modality and how they surface typologically. Clausal analysis will be introduced covering types of clauses as well as coordination and subordination. Students will also receive formal instruction on morphological analysis, investigating inflectional, derivational, and valence-changing morphology.
Prerequisite(s): LI701

LI601 Semantics and Pragmatics

3 credit hours
Semantics and Pragmatics examines the relationship between form and meaning in human language. We consider the rules for combining word meanings to derive sentence meanings in a predictable way; and we explore the principles which allow speakers to communicate more by uttering a sentence than is contained in the literal sentence meaning itself. We apply these concepts not only to content words but also to functional morphemes such as tense, aspect, and modality markers.
Prerequisite(s): LI501, LI502

LI603 Language Acquisition, Literacy Education, and Program Development

3 credit hours
With a focus on the majority-world, this course will prepare students to make knowledgeable decisions and to select the most appropriate course of action for introducing speakers of other languages both to a written form of their own language or to a second language (English, Greek, Hebrew, etc.), for developing, testing, and implementing literacy curriculum with effective techniques and principles, and for launching a sustainable literacy program within a target culture. This course will also introduce students to basic methods of teaching and instruction.

LI703 Field Methods and Management for Linguistics and Translation

2 credit hours
With a focus on methodology and good praxis, this course will focus on answering the question of how to best conduct linguistic fieldwork outside of one’s own community. Spiritual, ethical, and practical concerns will be addressed in the process of teaching common elicitation and documentation practices. Students will be introduced to computer technology for managing and presenting linguistic data collected in linguistic field research, including applications such as FLEx, ELAN, and Praat.
Prerequisite(s): LI501, LI502

LI704 Linguistics Field Methods Practicum

1 credit hours
This practicum will give students an opportunity to practice field method skills acquired in LI703. This practicum will be conducted in part in a cross-cultural setting whether domestically or internationally, relative to the student’s needs or aspirations and with administrative approval.
Prerequisite(s): LI703

NT501 Basic Greek Fundamentals 1

3 credit hours
This introductory course will lead the student into beginning knowledge of New Testament Greek vocabulary, basic morphology and grammar, and common syntactical systems. By the conclusion of this course, the student will be able to translate four chapters from the first letter of John, in addition to many other portions of Scripture. Students will also learn how to utilize valuable Greek resources in preparation for deeper personal study.

NT502 Basic Greek Fundamentals 2

3 credit hours
Prerequisite(s): NT501

NT601 Advanced Greek Fundamentals 1

3 credit hours
This course will build upon and reinforce principles acquired in Biblical Greek Grammar while expanding upon the student’s foundational vocabulary. Students will also be introduced to the NT Greek syntactical systems. During this course, students will also regularly translate larger portions of Scripture.
Prerequisite(s): NT502

NT602 Advanced Greek Fundamentals 2

3 credit hours
Students in this course will continue to expand their NT Greek vocabulary. At the same time, students will also penetrate deeper into NT Greek syntactical systems. During this course, students will also regularly translate larger portions of Scripture.
Prerequisite(s): NT601

NT701 Functional Greek 1

3 credit hours
This comprehensive course will lead the student in developing an exegetical methodology for profiting from his or her understanding of vocabulary, morphology, and syntax. Students will practice exegetical skills on an eclectic selection of Scripture, including narrative, epistolary, apocalyptic, and others. This class will show the student how to study the Word of God using the Biblical Greek language.
Prerequisite(s): NT602

NT702 Functional Greek 2

3 credit hours
Students will study select portions of the New Testament to improve the student’s ability to read Greek. This course will emphasize morphology, vocabulary and syntactical recognition. Students will also gain reading and translation speed focusing on the nuances of verbs and verbals and identifying and describing clausal relationships in light of discourse analysis.
Prerequisite(s): NT701

OT501 Basic Hebrew Fundamentals 1

3 credit hours
This course provides a basic but intense introduction to Hebrew grammar. After completing this course, students will have an introductory Hebrew vocabulary and be able to describe elementary features of Biblical Hebrew. Students will also learn how to utilize valuable Hebrew resources in preparation for deeper personal study and translation work.

OT502 Basic Hebrew Fundamentals 2

3 credit hours
Building upon the foundation laid in Elementary Hebrew 1, students will dig deeper into the Hebrew language system. Before finishing this course, students will have acquired a vocabulary of five-hundred frequently used Hebrew words. Students will also grow in their understanding of Hebrew grammar and syntax.
Prerequisite(s): OT501

OT601 Advanced Hebrew Fundamentals 1

3 credit hours
Intermediate Hebrew will introduce students to intermediate Hebrew syntax and will focus on non-figurative genres of the Hebrew Scriptures such as narrative, letters, and information. Students will translate the narrative books like Ruth or Jonah in addition to other select passages. Following which, students will focus on the figurative genres of the Hebrew Scriptures such as hymns, wisdom, poetry, and prophecy. Students will translate select passages from the Psalms and Song of Solomon in addition to other select passages.
Prerequisite(s): OT502

OT602 Advanced Hebrew Fundamentals 2

3 credit hours
Prerequisite(s): OT601

OT701 Functional Hebrew 1

3 credit hours
This course is designed to walk students through sound principles of Old Testament exegesis related to text, grammar, form, structure, and context; in addition, students will apply these principles to practical situations within the OT genre and the literary and historical contexts of selected Old Testament passages.
Prerequisite(s): OT602

OT702 Functional Hebrew 2

3 credit hours
This course will guide students through selected portions of the Old Testament to improve the student’s ability to read Hebrew, emphasizing morphology, vocabulary and syntactical recognition. Objectives would include to gain reading and translation speed with particular focus on the nuances of the verb, to identify and describe clausal relationships, to identify, describe, and value the dramatic elements in narrative, to read Hebrew aloud with sensitivity to its content to bridge between the biblical story and the modern story.
Prerequisite(s): OT701

SF501 Spiritual Formation and Ministry

0 credit hours

This course will encourage students in developing a deep walk with God and growing each student in spiritual maturity and Christlikeness. This course is required each semester a student is enrolled until he or she has successfully completed 60 credits in the program. Neither Internships nor Field Work for academic credit will be approved until a student has completed at least four semesters of Spiritual Formation and Ministry.
Graded pass/fail.